EASTERN Oregon Chapter
The Eastern Oregon Chapter currently serves Baker, Malheur, Morrow, Umatilla, Union, and Wallowa counites. We strive to support youth through educational activities and partnerships with 4-H and FFA chapters. Join us to share the story of agriculture in Eastern Oregon.

Eastern Oregon Chapter Supports…
Our chapter supports Ag youth through stock show buckle sponsorship and FFA auction donations. In our efforts to share the story of today’s agriculture we maintain a social media presence sharing agricultural facts and promoting agricultural interests. We also facilitate the presence of crop signs in fields along the major roadways in our counties. Through Ag in the Classroom our members share an agricultural lesson and read an agricultural book to elementary students. The EOWA is proud to support the next generation of Women in Agriculture through our scholarship program. We are always welcome to new ideas and help on ways to promote agriculture!
Bethany Woodall
Gina Tyhuis
Vice President
Rachel McWilliams
Gina Gray
The Eastern Oregon Chapter of Oregon Women for Agriculture is proud to award annual scholarships. Scholarships are due each spring. Check back in early 2025 for the application information.
2024 Eastern Oregon Women for Agriculture Scholarship Recipients

Julianne Jones
Julianne Jones from Pendleton won the first place scholarship of $3,500. Julianne plans to major in Forestry Management and Aviation Tech at Treasure Valley Community College.

Kylie Temple
Kylie Temple from Hermiston was the second place winner and awarded a scholarship of $2,000. Kylie plans to major in Ag Business and Global Food Systems Leadership at Kansas State University.

Elliana Munk
Elliana Munk tied for third place and is the recipient of a $500 scholarship. Elliana has plans to study Agribusiness at Utah State University.

Ellie Hanson
Ellie Hanson tied for third place and is the recipient of a $500 scholarship. Ellie is finishing up her Business Administration and Agricultural Sciences degree from Eastern Oregon University/Oregon State University.
Chapter Updates
We share quarterly updates so you can stay in the loop on all things ag here in Eastern Oregon!
Eastern Oregon Spring Update
We have just wrapped up our 4th annual tractor driving certification course and we are happy to say it was another successful year. We want to thank Morrow County Grain Growers for the use of their facility, our instructor Daniel Bolen, our members who cooked and...
Eastern Oregon Chapter Spring Update
Well spring has finally decided to show up and after the long winter we had everyone seems quite excited for some sunshine and warmer weather. Tractors are running, cattle are moving and our ladies are busy out doing what we do best, supporting Oregon Agriculture....
Eastern Oregon Winter Update
Welcome 2017! We are really excited about the upcoming year. Our chapter is turning three this year and I am very proud of the progress we have made. The tractor driving continues to be a great success in our community and our membership is growing slowly. Our goals...