OWA Convention Collegiate Scholarships

Join us for our annual convention! 

Four photos of kids in various agriculture settings with text over images "Agriculture Youth Mini Grant Program"<br />

Join us in Salem!

The Oregon Women for Agriculture (OWA) Convention is an annual event that brings together individuals passionate about agriculture to network, share knowledge, and promote sustainable farming practices. This year’s convention will be held in Salem, Oregon on February 14 & 15, 2025, and promises engaging discussions, educational sessions, and opportunities to connect with agricultural leaders and advocates. You can view the full schedule and event details here. 

To support participation, OWA is offering scholarships to cover convention costs, including meals and lodging for up to two nights. Participants are responsible for arranging their own transportation.

Applications are due February 4, 2025.

Additional Information


  • Must be enrolled in a college or university in Oregon and pursuing a degree in agriculture or a related field.
  • Demonstrated passion and commitment to agriculture. 
  • Ability to attend the full convention program. See below for the minimum requirement. 



The convention will take place on Friday, February 14, 2025, from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM. Scholarship recipients are expected to attend the entire day. Local participants are not required to stay at the hotel. However, hotel accommodations for Thursday and Friday nights are available for students traveling from greater distances. Attendees are also welcome to join the OWA Board Meeting on Saturday morning, February 15, from 9:00 AM to noon, though attendance is optional.

What is Covered?

  • Covered Expenses: Registration fees for the convention including lunch and dinner on Friday and hotel accommodations for up to two nights (shared room). Breakfast is provided at the hotel for guests staying on site. 
  • Not Covered: Transportation to and from the event (participants are responsible for their own travel arrangements).

Selection Process and Additional Questions

A committee will review all applications and scholarship recipients will be notified by February 3, 2025. Please DO NOT register for the event, we will take care of registration on your behalf if you are selected. 

If you have further questions email grants@owaonline.org
