Marion-Clackamas Chapter spans some of the most iconic Oregon farmland. The chapter meets regularly to conduct business, support and advocate for agriculture in our region.

Marion Clackamas Chapter…
- Scholarships to county youth
- Oregon Agriculture in the Classroom
- Summer Ag Insitutue
Kim Zuber
Emily Duerst
Tracy Duerst
Marion-Clackamas Chapter offers a $1,000 schoolarship annually.
The OWA Scholarship is made available to any person from Marion or Clackamas County preparing to enter or attending a college or university and who has an agricultural related major. In case of a tie while scoring scholarships, preference may be given to the student planning to attend a college or university in Oregon.
Application due date for the 2025-2026 school year is June 1, 2025. Check back in early 2025 for application information.
Chapter Updates
We share quarterly updates so you can stay in the loop on our chapter!
Marion-Clackamas Spring 2022 Update
In March we had our monthly meeting through Zoom to elect new officers for President and VP. We happily welcome Kim Zuber as our new President and Ally Rumpakis as our new Vice President. We are excited and thankful to continue to have Tracy Duerst as our Treasurer...
Marion-Clackamas Summer 2021 Update
This month Marion Clackamas rounded out our last meeting before the summer season with an in person social at Ankeny Vineyard in South Salem, hosted by Mallory Phelan. We had a great time getting to know some new members and chatting together over delicious wine and...
Marion Clackamas Winter 2021 Update
The Marion-Clackamas chapter ran a raffle for an OWA Pendleton blanket in November and we are happy to announce the winner of the blanket is Tricia Chastain! We are thankful for everyone who participated in the raffle to support our chapter and the OWA group. In...