Our chapter would like to publicly thank Mary Hood for her service as LB President the past two years. Her organizational skills, commitment to do what needs to be done, and her follow through have kept this chapter active and effective. The OWA is in good hands. We love you Mary!
- Kristi Miller has been faithful in working the Zoom option at our chapter monthly meetings.
- Our March meeting was held at the home of Kelsy Pimm and we had 11 in person and seven online participants.
- Members brought items to fill three Easter baskets for auction, filled out membership forms, and more ideas for auction items. Appetizers were discussed.
- Barbara Hauge filled us in on the LB scholarship committee progress and we will be awarding $2,000 in June. *The scholarship money is from interest on a designated account that receives funds from donations.
- Sigma Alpha Scholarship applications from the state association will be distributed through Jessica Jansen.
- Susan Tempel has completed the OWA scrapbooks and has everything up to date. We will be working on gathering photos, articles, and memories from across the state to keep it current. Debbie Burns is heading this up.
- Linn and Benton County Fairs were discussed.
- Our spring social will be held Tuesday, May 10th and will be a potluck. Spouses will be included. We are looking forward to a fun evening!
- Linn-Benton will set up the “One Farmer Feeds…” display at Ag Fest.
- The State OWA Board meeting will be hosted at Margaret Henderson’s home on April 8th with a Zoom option.
- Kristi Crawford will host our April Meeting at her family’s Scottish Pub, The Squeaky Cork, in Albany!