By Tiffany Marx-
Time to register for OWA’s annual convention! It’s only a few weeks away, March 7th-9th and will be located in Gleneden at Salishan Spa and Golf Resort. “Navigating Technology for Agriculture” is our theme this year, focusing on how to use technology to be better stewards of the land and how to reach out to consumers. As always, it will be an enjoyable time to visit with friends and get energized about ag!
We will have several fantastic speakers to discuss technology, including Ag Biotech presented by Steve Strauss from OSU. Darin Grimm, President of AgChat Foundation and Ulrike Mengelberg from the Energy Trust will also be speaking. Not only that, AAW President, Karen Yost will be in attendance! On Saturday, we will have a legislative panel to talk with about our hot topic issues.

We will be raffling off this lovely wall hanging at the convention. $5 per ticket, only 100 tickets sold.
To break up all the hard work, we have a few fun things planned. Arlene Kovash will give a demonstration on how to make tote bags from feed sacks. A hospitality room will be open in the lovely Canyon Suite where treats will be available. There is even free time on Friday so that you may enjoy the beach and surrounding areas. (Outlet stores, here I come!) We might even have a surprise in store that you wouldn’t want to miss…
I have a personal request this year: I ask each chapter give a scholarship to a new member so that they can attend this year’s convention. I know that if you invest in a newer member, you will get a huge return that you can’t put a number on. From personal experience, I know this to be true. I am not sure that I would have ever become as involved as I am now if I hadn’t attended our convention in Wilsonville a few years back.
Please come and enjoy the camaraderie with your fellow agriculturists. We would love to see you at the beach!