Yamhill County is beginning to see signs of Fall as daylight hours become shorter and color dots the foliage of our landscapes. We were blessed to make it through the Oregon fires with only anxiety, power loss, and preparations made for a worst-case scenario, from which we were thankfully spared. Our hearts go out to our fellow OWA members impacted in large and small ways by the fires on top of what has been an extremely tough year already.
Our chapter resumed meetings by Zoom in September, following our Summer break, to begin coordinating our annual gift pack fundraiser. As always, the gift packs will showcase Yamhill County’s wonderful producers and products and will be available at Newberg and McMinnville Wilco stores around the end of November. Those of you who would like a taste of Yamhill County delivered to you or a family member, can contact Helle Ruddenklau at 503-932-0558 or ruddenkl@viclink.com to arrange gift pack shipping. The proceeds from gift pack sales fund our chapter’s donations to agriculturally related programs, our Community College and Oregon State University scholarships, and grants to support local FFA and 4H projects. Thank you for helping us support our community!
Our chapter will continue regular meetings at 7:00 PM on the second Wednesday of the month, remotely or otherwise. Please check out our Facebook page for details in advance of each meeting until we resume regular in-person meetings at Citizen’s Bank in McMinnville.
Tara Jackson,
Yamhill County Chapter, President