In January, several of us attended a surprise 80th birthday party for our long-time chapter member and Secretary Eunice Goodrich. It was a privilege to be part of her special day and hear stories from her community about how she touches their lives as she does each of ours. Please wish Eunice a belated happy birthday next time you greet her!
Our newly designed holiday gift boxes sold out in 2019! We are very grateful to those fellow members who purchased boxes to support our chapter and WILCO for allowing us to sell boxes at their Newberg and McMinnville stores. Our chapter continues to support local high schools, and local 4H and FFA programs, with scholarship and grant opportunities, as well as Ag in the Classroom and Summer Ag Institute, with the funds we raise. In January, we awarded Yamhill County’s 4 H program $500 for the 2020 fiscal year to upgrade their sound system. We are also still accepting applications from high school students in Yamhill County, and surrounding areas, for our $750 scholarship for a student attending a community college and majoring in an agriculturally related field. We just extended the deadline for applications to May 22, 2020 to allow more students the opportunity to respond given the current COVID-19 restrictions. Thus, please encourage any students you know that meet the requirements to apply. The application is posted on the Yamhill County chapter page on the OWA website.
We elected our 2020 slate of officers at our February meeting, as follows: Tara Jackson, President; Susie Kreder, Vice President; Eunice Goodrich, Secretary; and Helle Ruddenklau, Treasurer.
Agriculture in Yamhill County marches on with spring planting to continue to support Oregonians and Americans with food during the COVID-19 outbreak, while our chapter members not involved directly in farming are doing our part to support Oregon agriculture from home offices. Our chapter meetings will continue the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM, by telephone, details of which are posted on our chapter Facebook page. Sending our good wishes for everyone’s health.
Tara Jackson,
Yamhill County Chapter, President