March Report

March Report

The weather was perfect, the conversations lively, and the speakers were intriguing at the 2013 OWA Convention hosted by PCWA. Thank You to our speakers. Darin Grimm, president of Ag Chat Foundation who is a self confessed introvert yet leads this social networking...
March Report

March Report

Linn/Benton—The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow… On February 19th , 32 members attended our annual dinner meeting with a slide show movie put together by member, Shawn Wells. She visited Africa last summer and she was our entertainment. We were surprised to find out that...
March Report

March Report

Our Central Oregon chapter has been busy working on new ideas and supporting old ones too. We are exploring the possibility of creating a scholastic scholarship. Christina Withers has volunteered to gather some information to present at our April meeting. We are...
March Report

March Report

The Ladies in Marion/Clackamas Counties have been busy! Not only with their own farm chores but also with their County chores! We had ten ladies from our county attend the Oregon Women for Agriculture yearly Convention at Salishan in Lincoln City on March 8th &...
Auction Donation Deadline March 23rd

Auction Donation Deadline March 23rd

Good Morning – Just a reminder auction donation deadline is March 23rd.  We really need for everyone to be working on gathering donations in order for our fundraiser to be a success.  If you need to know what you did last year, just send me a note, and I will send you...