by lmg_admin | Apr 21, 2014 | Uncategorized
Dear Oregon Women for Agriculture Members, Thank you so much for honoring me as the recipient of the “2014 Service to Agriculture Award” at your annual meeting. It was especially sweet that Marie Bowers Stagg presented me with the award. Marie is a...
by lmg_admin | Jan 17, 2014 | Uncategorized
Plan to attend the 2014 OWA State Convention at the Oregon Garden Resort in Silverton. It’s time to make your room reservation for the $99 rate (plus tax). January 21 is the deadline for our room block. Call 800-966-6490 and use our password “Ag...
by lmg_admin | Jan 8, 2014 | Uncategorized
OWA Annual convention will be held February 20—22nd! It’s a time of year for us to learn, lead, and have a little fun! This year I am offering a scholarship to each chapter to send one new member or one member who hasn’t been to convention before. The scholarship is...
by lmg_admin | Apr 1, 2013 | Polk Chapter
The weather was perfect, the conversations lively, and the speakers were intriguing at the 2013 OWA Convention hosted by PCWA. Thank You to our speakers. Darin Grimm, president of Ag Chat Foundation who is a self confessed introvert yet leads this social networking...
by lmg_admin | Jan 31, 2013 | Uncategorized
By Tiffany Marx- Time to register for OWA’s annual convention! It’s only a few weeks away, March 7th-9th and will be located in Gleneden at Salishan Spa and Golf Resort. “Navigating Technology for Agriculture” is our theme this year, focusing on how to use technology...